Update: The Child Who Needed a Pet

Recently I wrote a post about how bad I felt that I could not give my children a dog. Or a cat. Or anything cuddly. We have found a solution! The child that left a note reading: "Dear Santa. Please leave behind a reindeer for me to take good care of" now has two-day-old Buff Orpington chickens. Doesn't he look pleased?

Reader Comments (4)
May he enjoy years of taking care of his ladies, eating fresh eggs, and a yard with no ticks!
Thanks, Cally! Mike just read that Guinea hens are really good at eating ticks. So he's thinking about those for next year.
Sarah: Welcome to the wild world of chickening! Have had a flock for many years now. Will warn to beware of the rooster if you happened to get one - based on my findings, one out of 30 are nice. I've had to put a hit out on several! The crowing is nice though, if you get a nice one.
Have had friends that owned guinea hens, and they (the hens, not the friends!)have an odd curiosity for anything remotely shiny - therefore, if they're free-ranging, keep your cars in the garage!
Have fun and enjoy the fresh eggs when they arrive.
Thank you, Patty!